It's no secret, that I love a birthday party. Especially a kids party. This year, Ezekiel decided on a Lego Movie party. It was such a fun theme to decorate for, & even more fun for the kids to dress up.
I barely had time to make an Emmet shirt, but managed to make one when we got back from vacation.
He also got a piece of resistance.
We found some hair chalk to make Adalae look like Wild Style.
While we were planning, Zeke threw out the idea of a taco bar. So, I made taco invitations, & decorated the dining room around the "Old West" part of the movie.
I totally screwed up the sign above the table, & quickly threw up a replacement that ended up a little dinky. But, whatever.
We opted for cupcakes this year. They are so quick & easy. No one even missed a big cake.
I found a tutorial for making a piñata for Adalae's party in March. Most of the kids got a chance to hit it, but it broke pretty easily. This time around, I may have gone a bit overboard reinforcing the box.
It ended up being so strong, that not only did every kid get a turn (or two), but Tommy even tried his best at breaking it.
Not even the crepe paper came off! I may be an expert piñata maker. Either that, or the worst piñata maker in history. Eventually, Tommy busted out his knife, & cut into the bottom. The kids were all screaming "CANDY" as he dumped it over their heads.
The toy room was my favorite part. I started saving boxes months in advance to make giant legos. The kids are still building forts & castles with them months later.
I did my best to avoid setting out any regular legos. I didn't want the mess from that. But, I had to at least put out some. Duplos for the win!
"We are from the planet Duplo. We are here to destroy you."
I'm already getting excited about next years party!