Thursday, October 18, 2012

Long Overdue

It has been a crazy few weeks here without T.  We miss his so much.  Thankfully both kids have done extremely well this time, which is somewhat bittersweet.  I'm glad they're doing well, but it's sad that we're adjusted to not having T home.  I'm hoping this will be the last time he has to leave for awhile.

Now, onto a long overdue update.

Tuesday was Target day.  A was head over heels for this giant cupcake bank.  There were many tears when I put it back.

Napoleon & Josephine have not made many appearances on here yet.  They may be turds, but they sure are sweet.

While I was folding laundry, A decided that she really needed to put on her jammies.  I've had to stop folding their clothes in front of her, because she gets too excited.  She'll start grabbing clothes, & before I know it, has changed her clothes three times before I've finished.

Both kids were jumping on the couch, & not listening to my repeated request for them to stop.  This is Z's "I'm not disobeying" smirk.

Wednesday was such a pretty day.  A & I played outside almost all morning.  I have no idea why, but she took her shirt off.  She is so opinionated about her clothes.

That is the cutest little belly!

She has discovered the bar.

Here's how it goes down:

She starts with a nice push off.

Then, pulls up her legs, & swings.

And, finishes it off with a ton of giggles.

Thursday morning was all about the sunglasses.

Even after Z was at school, A wore them around the house.  That girl is something else.  She got that tiara in a kids meal on our drive to Virginia in May.  She wears it all the time.  I'm surprised it's lasted this long.

My phone is not cooperating with me for some reason, so this is all I've got for now.  I'll try to update more tomorrow (provided the kids & my phone both behave).


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